Winter festival Unrated Chess Tournament 3

Venue: Ahmadi Park-Baseball ground
Date: 30.11.2023
Time: 05:00 P.M. to 08:00 P.M.
Rounds: 7 Rounds
Time control: 10 Minutes + 3 Seconds

Maximum Entry: 30 Players

Entry Fee : 3 KWD

Contact: +965 9804 9966


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Winter Festival Unrated Chess Tournament 3

Venue: Ahmadi Park-Baseball ground
Date: 30.11.2023
Time: 05:00 P.M. to 08:00 P.M.
Rounds: 7 Rounds
Time control: 10 Minutes + 3 Seconds

Maximum Entry: 30 Players

Entry Fee : 3 KWD

Contact: +965 9804 9966

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